Uhren & Schmuck - Project Management

Agency Pitch for a Communication Pretesting Tool

Client’s Challenge

The previous approach to communication pretesting was in need of an update. The methods and criteria to assess communication assets had to be better adapted to the social/digital media strategy. The new pretesting system had to be more efficient and more agile, and offer inspiring pointers to optimise communications.


  • An agency briefing was developed with involvement of the international and diverse stakeholder group.
  • Identifikation von potenziellen Agenturpartnern und Kandidaten-Vorauswahl.
  • Definition von Entscheidungskriterien und Kommunikation an interne & externe Stakeholder.
  • Analysis of project proposals and invitation of a small number of potential partners.
  • After the agency presentation, a decision workshop was hosted to facilitate the partner selection.

Outcome and Impact

  • Within three months, the pretesting approach was redeveloped and a new partner was found.
  • The new approach required less investment and offered greater flexibility to react to changing communication strategies.
  • The revised approach was reviewed with every new campaign, and only after three years adjustments were required.